Give your body the well-deserved peace of mind.

When it comes to taking care of yourself, remember to visit Nimar Nail's Bar. A bar that provides leisure, entertainment and, at the same time, a differentiated aesthetics service.
10% discount on aesthetic service (manicure and pedicure).
Location: Avenida Luanda Sul S/N, sector Talatona Luanda-Angola
Contacts: +244 928 855 315 / 222 715 206
Email: geral@nimar.co.ao

In male image care and aesthetic, 4M Men's Space offers the best! Focused on male aesthetic services, the 4M MEN´S SPACE SPA follows the market trends and innovations.
10% discount on barbershop, manicure and pedicure services and 15% discount on SPA services, using the ATLANTICO Multicaixa card and presentation of ID document.
Location: Av. Ho chi Minh Edificio São Paulo, Bloco B
Contacts: +244 944 151 351 / 222 780 000
E-mail: geral@4menspace.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/4menspace/
Instagram: https://instagram.com/4menspace

In addition to comfort and sophistication, find at the EPIC SANA hotel services that provide you with health and wellbeing. Visit Sayanna Welness (fitness, spa and hairdresser) and enjoy all that this multifaceted space has for you.
10% discount on registration at Sayanna Welness (fitness, spa and hairdresser).
Location: Rua da Missão, Luanda-Angola
Contacts: +244 222 642 608/ 943 817 275
Email: luanda2@sayannawellness.com

Specialized in aesthetic and advanced medicine, it has the most advanced solutions for your health and wellbeing.
30% discount on all treatments, upon payment with the ATLANTICO Multicaixa card.
Location: Maianga - Rua Ferraz Bomboco, edifício Bela Vista 1º Andar. Tel. 927 112 739. Talatona - Condomínio Palanca Negra Casa nº 5.
Contact: (+244) 928 356 074
Email: rmesteticarm@gmail.com

Experience the latest trends in beauty and makeup, at Distore Make Up, find the best multi-brand products and revamp your routine.
10% discount on all products and services available at any of the units operated by the Partner.
Location: Rua da Liga Africana, n° 105 Bairro Maculusso
Contacts: +244 947 611 040 / 999 66 90 53