Lending to the Real Sector of the Economy.
In compliance with the provisions of Article 7 of Notice 10 /2020, we disclose the total accumulated amount of credit granted to date under this Notice and under Notices 4/2019 (of April 3) and 7/2019 (of October 7):
Disbursed |

More Salary
Overdraft available in the Demand Account in Kwanzas, for the amount equivalent to 100% of the Customer's net salary.

Invest in real estate with financing up to 70% of the property's appraised value.

Egya Offer
Easy financing aimed at Customers who want to pursue their academic education in Post-Graduation, Master's or PhD.

Equipment Leasing
Flexible financing with a minimum initial down payment of up to 30% of the invoice value, for the purchase of Cars or Equipment.