Mais Account
Current account in Dollars (USD).
A More Account is perfect for you because:
Allows you access to the authorized overdraft
Allows you to deposit and withdraw cash over the counter
Allows you to make transfers and payment orders
No incoming transfers
Allows you to make transactions with the debit card
Minimum opening deposit
USD 200
Fees and charges
The fees and charges foreseen in the price list for current accounts apply.
Fees and consideration for financial services are subject to a 14% VAT rate, in accordance with Article 12(1)(i) of Law No. 7/19, of 24 April.
While authorized, the use of credit through bank overdrafts is subject to a 0.1% Stamp Duty on the monthly average obtained by adding the daily balance due, during the month, divided by 30. The interest charged is subject to a 0.2% Stamp Duty.
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