What is an investment fund?

What is an investment fund?
Investment Funds are financial instruments that raise funds from a variety of investors. These resources constitute an autonomous patrimony, managed by a management company, which applies them in a variety of assets, respecting the fund's investment policy.
How are Investment Funds characterized?
Securities Investment Funds - invest resources in financial products such as listed stocks, bonds, money market instruments, among others.
Real Estate Investment Funds - invest in real estate: such as houses, stores, offices, land, others.
Alternative Funds - invest in assets with more complex characteristics, such as unlisted company shares, infrastructure, exotic products, and others.
Funds can be:
∙ Open-end funds - allow subscription and redemption of shares at any time
∙ Close-end funds - subscription is made within a specific time frame and redemption of shares occurs only on the date of liquidation of the fund, except in specific situations provided for in the management regulations
What is a Share?
A Share represents a portion/unit of ownership of an investment fund, conferring rights and binding its holder, the participant.
How are Investment Funds managed?
- Investment funds do not have legal personality, which is why they are managed by a Management Company
- A Management Company is an entity responsible for the management of an investment fund that, through a management team, on a daily basis analyzes the market opportunities that best yield the resources available in the fund, in accordance with the investment policy and management regulations
What is a Custodian Bank?
- It is a banking financial institution responsible for safeguarding the securities and assets that are acquired by the fund
- Supervises the Management Company's management over a fund, ensuring compliance with the investment policy and management regulations
How much tax do I pay for investing in Investment Funds?
Investment Funds have tax benefits associated with their activity and the level of the participant, for example, exemption from Capital Investment Tax (IAC), Industrial Tax at reduced rates, exemption from property tax on rents, among others.

What is the step-by-step for investing?
- Have an account with ATLANTICO.
- Contact your manager and express how much you want to invest
- You will be given the following elements:
- Simplified Prospectus
- Management Regulations
- Subscription bulletin to purchase shares
- Redemption bulletin, when you already hold shares and want to convert them to cash (applicable to open-ended funds)
How can I know the status of my investment?
- Requesting information from your manager
- Consulting your Internet Banking
- Visiting the Management Company's website which provides the daily unit value of the shares
What Investment Funds are available to invest in now?
- Liquidity Fund - Money Market Securities Fund - Open : 1st open fund in Angola, +150 participants, + 6 years in operation
- Pactual Property Fund - Real Estate Fund - Closed
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