Financial Literacy
Promote financial literacy in Angola

On 30 September 2013, the Financial Literacy Guide was launched in Luena, Moxico, as part of a campaign that will take it to all the country's provinces.
In this meeting, and in order to promote financial literacy in Angola, contribute to the development of the economy and the financial system, ATLANTICO launches the "Financial Literacy Guide", with which it intends to contribute to the dissemination of the characteristics of the main banking products and services, and contribute to the generalization of knowledge regarding the Financial System, its role, its characteristics and the instruments it makes available.
With this Financial Literacy Guide, Banco Millennium Atlântico aims at improving the financial knowledge, attitudes and behavior of its customers and the population in general, by providing information on basic financial concepts that will allow greater clarification and a more appropriate choice of financial products, raising awareness of the need to plan a family budget, developing saving habits and individual responsibilities in saving for retirement and health, promoting responsible use of credit and preventing the risk of over-indebtedness, in addition to warning of fraud or potentially damaging practices.
Therefore, ATLANTICO continues to implement an increasingly customer-oriented banking approach, always aiming at the materialization of good banking practices.
In this sense, we bet on making information available to its customers and the population in general, increasing their levels of financial literacy and assisting in wealth management and savings and investment decisions. "Make plans for your life, before life makes plans for you" is the motto in this Guide made available by ATLANTICO.