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Banco Millennium Atlântico creates Strategy and Sustainability Council



Luanda, July 12, 2024 - Banco Millennium Atlântico, S.A. (ATLANTICO) informs that its Shareholders held a General Shareholders' Meeting today and decided to:

    • Appoint Mr. N'Gunu Tiny as Chairman of the Strategy and Sustainability Council (CES). This body will have the mandate to coordinate the definition and implementation of the Bank's Strategic Plan for the 2025-2028 cycle, as well as its Sustainability Strategy.

ATLANTICO recently defined a priority set of five United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) [Quality Education (SDG 4), Clean Water and Sanitation (SDG 6), Decent Work and Economic Growth (SDG 8), Reduced Inequalities (SDG 10) and Climate Action (SDG 13)], considering their relevance to Angola's sustainable development and their alignment with the Bank's strategic vision, which it aims to implement in its Sustainability Strategy, its Businesses, its Operations and its involvement in the Community.
In addition, ATLANTICO's current strategic cycle (2021-2024), guided by the PHIT 2.4 Strategic Plan, is coming to an end, so it will soon be necessary to start drafting the Bank's next Strategic Plan, due to be approved at the General Shareholders' Meeting in January 2025.

Accordingly, in line with the provisions of the Bank's Articles of Association and the ongoing concern to strengthen the Bank's governance arrangements as per best practices, the Shareholders consider it appropriate to set up the CES, unanimously appointing Mr. N'Gunu Tiny as Chairman of this body, subject to approval by the Regulatory Authority.

  • Recommend to the Board of Directors (BoD) the setting up of a Cyber and Asset Security Committee (CSCP). This body will be responsible for monitoring the implementation of ATLANTICO's Cyber Security Plan and Business Continuity Plan, which are extremely important for the financial sector worldwide.

Considering the current environment, where cybersecurity and business continuity issues play a key role in the financial sector which could jeopardize its integrity, stability and the trust of clients and investors, ATLANTICO's Shareholders believe that there should be a growing focus on managing these risks, particularly against a backdrop of the ongoing digital transformation of banking and the use of new technologies, such as artificial intelligence.
Therefore, and notwithstanding the existence of teams dedicated exclusively to managing these risks in the executive sphere, the Shareholders approved the recommendation to the Board of Directors to set up a Cybersecurity and Asset Security Committee, which would ensure close monitoring and management of these risks also at Board level, namely by the non-executive and independent Directors.

In view of the specific profile that these dimensions require, owing to their complexity and ongoing evolution, the Shareholders have proposed the appointment of Ms. Patrícia Gabriel, who will thus take on a non-executive role on ATLANTICO's Board of Directors.

  • Recompose the Board of Directors of ATLANTICO.

Mr. Éder Sousa, Executive Director responsible for finance, as a result of his broad experience in the financial and investment area, was recently challenged to serve on the governing bodies of a company regulated abroad and as Chairman of the Board of Directors of Fortaleza Seguros, as part of the strategy to create an ecosystem of national and international partnerships that will boost the development of the Angolan financial system, as well as investment in Angola and Angola in the world. In view of the demands of these new duties, Mr. Éder Sousa has requested to resign from his position on ATLANTICO's Board of Directors. The executive duties previously carried out by Mr. Éder Sousa will be taken over by Mr. Mauro Neves, the Bank's Executive Director.

As a result of his experience, his contribution over the last few years to achieving the Bank's strategic goals and cross-cutting knowledge, the Shareholders appointed Mr. Éder Sousa as a member of ATLANTICO's Strategy and Sustainability Board.

Given the termination of Mr. Éder Sousa's duties on ATLANTICO's Board of Directors and the appointment of Ms. Patrícia Gabriel to perform non-executive duties, Mr. Mário Kipipa, with executive duties in the areas of Means of Payment, Corporate and Private Banking, and Mr. Marcelo Costa, to replace Mr. Patrícia Gabriel, with executive duties in the areas of Technology, Cybersecurity, Business Continuity, Operations and Assets and Services, were appointed to the Bank's Board of Directors, both subject to approval by the Regulator.

The Chairman of the General Meeting

More information: media@atlantico.ao

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