Luanda, 22 April 2023 - ATLANTICO received the Business Awards for Socially Responsible Company in the Finance Sector, awarded by Forbes Africa Lusófona magazine, during the award ceremony held on the evening of 21 April at the Intercontinental Luanda Miramar Hotel.
ATLANTICO believes that investing in a culture of social transformation, which allows us to provide criteria to our Society's youngest citizens, is essential for the development of a more inclusive, equitable, prosperous and sustainable Society.
The award was received by António Assis de Almeida, Chairman of the Board of ATLANTICO, who stated that "to receive this award is to experience the recognition of the work that our nearly 1,500 employees have carried out with great care, dedication, seriousness and professionalism over these years".
Throughout its 17 years of existence, Banco Millennium Atlântico has invested in the promotion of Knowledge, Entrepreneurship and Health and Welfare, with the following projects being of particular importance:
- "Logos – Geração de Valor", a social transformation program aimed at empowering the younger generations to make positive life choices, providing them criteria through sports—an educational tool to share knowledge and values that will empower them forever.
- "Unidos pela educação", a protocol between the Ulwazi Foundation (created and financed by ATLANTICO), the Ministry of Education and Centro de Estudos Ufolo, to improve the quality of life and teaching conditions of Teachers, Students and School managers, to positively impact the learning outcomes in a series of schools.
- "Lar de Nazaré", together with other social partners, we contributed to the construction of the São Francisco de Assis School in the municipality of Cacuaco, providing the institution with school infrastructure to improve teaching conditions and increase attending capacity.
- "Hospital da Divina Providência", we financed the construction of the infectious diseases wing of the hospital, which will increase not only the number of beds, but also the hospital's scope of care and coverage.
- “Dombe 4.0”, a project that aims to develop agricultural production in rural areas, through SEIVA, in the municipality of Dombe Grande, in Benguela, contributing to increase the productive capacity of the rural family unit in a sustainable way and support the development of the community and local economy, through the use of technology and knowledge, by means of a network of national and international partners.
Thanks to these and other projects promoted by ATLANTICO, more than 55 thousand lives have been impacted and more than 5 thousand agents of social transformation have been mobilized which have invested more than 428 thousand hours in the communities.
Moreover, the Bank has also transformed its banking activity to create daily impacts in the communities, focusing on the banking process. The payment system "400 agiliza", is the best example of this accomplishment: a solution that, more than a technological resource, is a tool for financial inclusion and social transformation, through which citizens become bank customers, witch easy access to financial products and services from their button or smartphones, with no data consumption, or through a network of banking agents.
As of 2019, more than 1 million customers have joined 400 Agiliza, performing more than 50 million transactions and transacting over AOA 100 billion.
The impact of the various social transformation programs promoted by ATLANTICO on the lives of Angolans and the communities in which it operates, reinforces its commitment to ESG principles and the UN Sustainable Development Goals.