Our Policies

Training Policy
Banco Millennium Atlântico believes that training is one of the means of promoting, adding knowledge, as well as guarantee the development of its employees’ careers. The creation of this policy intend to raise awareness of the different steps of the training process, in order to have the intended alignment between the bank and employees.
Code of Ethics and Conduct Policy
Banco Millennium Atlântico values a conduct of excellence and responsibility and believes that the performance of the institution and the accomplishment of its mission depends on each employee. The Code of Conduct and Ethics intendes to communicate the principles and fundamental rules that each one of us should observe in our activities.
Prevention, Identification and Management of Conflicting Interests Policy
Banco Millennium Atlântico believes that the performance of the instituion depends on the being comply with rules, regulations and procedures. This policy intendes to communicate the rules and procedures that should be observe for each one of us regarding prevention, identification, evaluation and management of conflicting interests.
Environmental and Social Management Policy
ATLANTICO establishes guidelines, principles and procedures that govern socio-environmental practices and actions in all its businesses and in its relations with stakeholders (ATLANTICO, employees, customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders ), with a view to optimizing the ecological and human footprint, including governance structure, prevention policies and actions, risk management and mitigation, identifying the socio-environmental impacts and opportunities within ATLANTICO's sphere of influence, taking into account the principles of relevance and proportionality for the achievement of the pillars of ATLANTICO's commitment and leaving a mark of sustainable development on the society.
Translation in progress
Policy on Anti-Money Laundering | Counter Terrorism And Proliferation Of Weapon Of Mass Destruction Financing
Banco Millennium Atlântico, SA (hereinafter referred to as ATLANTICO or Bank), adopts as a fundamental principle for its business the prevention and active detection of money laundering practices (MLP) and combat against the financing of terrorism and the Proliferation of weapons of Mass Destruction (CFT/PWMD), adopting, in this regard, internationally recognized good practices and applicable regulations in Angola. Thus, this Policy sets out the principles and rules to protect the Bank, its business, as well as prevent it from serving as a vehicle for the execution of activities related to money laundering (ML) or the financing of terrorism and Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction (FT/PWMD).
Transparency and Information Disclosure Policy
Related Party Transactions Policy
This policy aims to aggregate and enforce compliance with the legal and regulatory provisions, and internal rules and procedures established by ATLANTICO, applicable to transactions with Related Parties, establish the rules and procedures to be observed for the identification, analysis, control and monitoring of operations and decisions, and compliance with the IAS 24 so that ATLANTICO's financial information involving related parties conveys an authentic, reliable and true image of its economic and financial position.