Our brand
We believe that people can achieve a better life through work.

Our brand purpose
ATLANTICO believes that people can achieve a better life with effort and determination, through work, knowledge and willingness to go further.
ATLANTICO exists to learn and to be inspired by the contact with people and their projects. Make the difference, contributing to transform their lives, creating financial products and solutions aimed at their needs and challenges. Creating real value on people’s lives. Contributing for the growth and development of the Angolan economy.
What feeds this conviction and reason for being is the people’s determination of reaching a level of stability and security where they can plan their future and change their lives, whether in the familiar or professional context. We believe in the determining role of women in the domestic economy, in the business context and in their unique contribution for the progress and social stability.

Our brand signature
Our brand signature says much about us and summarizes our Vision, Mission, Values and Purpose. On a bank with was born from the history of two successful banks, our signature also transmits what each bank added to this merge:

This signature talks about values, personal and financial, that we share with our clients. It talks about our profound commitment with the Client. It is the better life, achieved with effort and determination and it is here to stay.
It talks about bringing values for our clients’ lives. In this sense, “Values for Life” establishes a proximity relationship. Our “values for life” comes from the ones who are close to us, from the ones who understand our needs, from our family values, from our mother, from the ones who are with us every day, from the ones who share a path with future.
Our name
BANCO MILLENNIUM ATLANTICO is the name of our institution.
This is the institutional name, the full name, our legal name, and it represents the union of two institutions – Banco Millenium Angola and Banco Privado Atlantico – referring to their evolution.
ATLANTICO is the name of our brand. Our trade name.
The name ATLANTICO connects us the Atlantic Ocean, which represents to Angola the natural exit to the world and the entrance of the world in Angola.

Our logo
On the logo, the name is more evident. Underlining this way, the change of the brand after the merge. A stronger brand, more robust and with more presence.
The PHI symbol adds a strong cultural component in the organization of the bank. PHI represents the universal knowledge. It is through it that ATLANTICO empower its employees, helping them to transform their lives for better and consequently the life of the clients. Promoting the knowledge, balance and sustainability, we are transforming elements of the society and communities in which we are inserted.
PHI is a borderless icon, it is a clustering graphical element which naturally applies to the merge between the knowledge of Millenium Angola and ATLANTICO and to the best part of each institution.
10 years of experience of Millenium Angola + 10 years of experience of ATLANTICO which results in a major balance and complementarity.