Complaint Support
What is the Complaints Unit?
The Complaints Unit of Banco Millennium Atlântico provides support to all Customers and potential Customers, Personal or Business, who have experienced any situation that has resulted in discontent, such as delay in the execution of some orientation, lack of response or attendance.
This Unit ensures that all complaints whose resolution cannot be immediate (24 hours) receive adequate treatment and response, with the satisfaction of all those who interact with ATLANTICO as a priority.

How do I make a complaint?
You can make a complaint through the following channels:
How long should I expect a response?
Once we have all the information necessary for the treatment of your complaint, Banco Millennium Atlântico, through the Complaints Unit, will immediately follow up on the analysis of the situation exposed in order to find a response or solution in the shortest possible time.
In accordance with Article 23 of Notice No. 12/2016, of 16 September, Financial Institutions should proceed as follows:
In the case of complaints involving only one financial institution, the institution must resolve the complaint within 20 (twenty) days from the date of the complaint.
In the case of complaints that involve two or more financial institutions established in Angola, the financial institution that is investigating must resolve the complaint within a maximum period of 30 (thirty) days.
In the case of complaints that involve two or more financial institutions which are not established in Angola, the financial institution that is investigating must resolve the complaint within a maximum period of 30 (thirty) days.
Within a maximum period of 10 (ten) days, the financial institution must comply with the request of other financial institutions and investigate or provide information related to the specific transactions or services.
How are complaints handled?
Reception of complaint > Registration > Confirmation with Customer > Investigation > Follow-up > Deliberation/Solution > Response to Customer > Closure of complaint.
What else should I know?
The service provided by the Complaints Unit of Banco Millennium Atlântico is free of charge and is also available to receive your suggestions for improving the services and products we provide.